According to the dictionary, hope is “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” Hope is an emotion and it can also be a motivation to take action to cope with difficulty. All will be alright. Hope can act as a catalyst to adopt behaviors to make it easier to grapple with challenges and win.
Little Tips to Increase Hope
1. Acknowledge the need to be hopeful in difficult times
2. Connect with people who’s hope is contagious (e.g., family, friends, mentors)
3. Hope requires continuous practice (e.g., I will power through this)
4. Know that you are an asset to the world (e.g., what’s my special gift and how can I share it with the world)
5. Donate time to a cause that’s close to your heart, even if virtually (e.g., volunteer to make calls, organize a calendar for an organization)
6. Practice spirituality, meditation, or prayer (e.g., take walks in nature)
Little Kettle aims to encourage people to practice behaviors that increase hope. Drink a cup of tea while connecting with loved ones either virtually or in-person.
